Thursday 16 April 2009

ya know...

I was just catching up on a few blogs there now and thinking how the NHS is not satisfactory to so many people (for various reasons). Yet I have a saint of a GP of whom I cannot speak highly enough. She gave me my steroid injection today (my butt is just a little bit tender: 2x 3ml of fluid going in gives a pins and needle type sensation and now the area just feels a tad bruised: niggling rather than sore: as if I need a man with strong muscular fingers to knead the area - none about however), having phoned me at home yesterday to see if I was any better (see post below) and then scheduled me in to see her today after her surgery, at 12. She also remembered about the arc user committee that I've been shortlisted for and offered me her medical knowledge if I needed a hand preparing for it. And she's agreed to write me a reference if I get offered the post and if I need one: my other referees can attest to my academic ability but I thought she would be the best to speak on my medical interest etc.

I'm not convinced the injection will help, but we will see, if not Iwill be back to see her and she said she would inject the knee directly. She's also written to my consultant to ask if he will see me again sooner as I am having a flare, which is linked to the fact that she thinks I may be on the wrong DMARD. However, I only saw him in March so not sure when he'll see me again. Having said that he is always telling me to contact him if I am having any problems.

Anyway, after the injection I met a friend for lunch and then went shopping to see if I could find a new dress for the wedding, but nothing. But I did get a rather nice handbag! This one. I was also really bad and bought a very expensive pair of shoes on Tuesday, but if I don't spoil myself, who will???

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