Tuesday 21 April 2009

High to low

I was on a bit of a high yesterday as I managed a reasonable day's work and got quite a bit done (hopefully good material!) but today, in spite of having a draft chapter completed my mood has been plummeting. Nothing has happened to cause this, it just seems to be one of those things.

My joints seem to have responded to the steroid which is one good thing. It's only now that I realise how swollen my knees actually were and how bent my elbow was. It's strange the way that you get used to things, I suppose it's good really with health matters!


madsadgirl said...

Glad to hear that your joints are feeling better. Well done on the chapter. I hope that you manage to get more done tomorrow.

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Yes, great news about your joints. Everyone seems to be in unsettled moods lately, it just seems that bit amplified amongst those with pre existing difficulties. I think it's some sort of hang over from when we lived in caves and spring was the most unsettled time of year ;)
Thinking of you, BG x