Sunday 5 April 2009

Weekend fun...

...Not. I was in the (freezing cold) office Saturday and Sunday attempting to work on THE BOOK. As of tonight I have one chapter left to amend, one chapter left to rewrite and the intro and conclusion to rejig and then the proofreading. For Friday. This Friday coming. Isn't going to happen. Hopefully will get to the 1 May for it which is doable if I (can) keep up the pace I'm currently working at. I have a white board on my office opposite my desk and I've written on it "Good enough" which is what I'm trying to achieve rather than the perfection I normally want. Needs must and I think "good enough" is healthier and better for me right now.

Tomorrow is P-day: psychologist day. I'm still not convinced I'm doing the right thing by going. And I'm dreading the question as to whether I've self-harmed or thought of ending my life. I've not thought about ending my life but I have thought, at times, that it would be nice to not wake up. Is that the same thing? Is that as worrying as someone who actually thinks about ending things? One part of me says it is, the other part of me says that it isn't, that everyone thinks that way at times.

I ordered a new mobile last week: had to get it delivered to my parents' address as my cards are registered there. I'm meeting mum on Tuesday to get it. Am I real nerd in looking forward to that or is it another sign that I lead a fairly boring life and need to get out some more?

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