Wednesday 6 October 2010

Personal trainer

And so, I met with dishy Dave today.  It was just an introductory meeting, what did I want from it, short, medium, longterm goals.  So short term goal is to lose weight, medium term is to run a leg of a marathon (if that's wise given the hip) and long term is next September to walk into the department and have people ask who's that!  It's going to be hardcore, DD is hardcore, but it's what I want as I want to be slim, fit, healthy, feel more confident, have a higher self-esteem and just feel good about myself.  So, I'm in it for the long run (no pun intended).  I'm going to be completely broke, especially as I need new trainers and the actual training is going to cost me £35 a go and I'm seeing DD twice each week for the next two weeks.  But it WILL be worth it.

I went to the asthma nurse and have to take my peak flow readings morning and evening for the next 3 weeks.  It was still 350 today, so lower than the 465 it should be, sounds significantly lower to me.  It will be interesting to see what it's like over the next few weeks.   

Work is hectic: I have a new admin role running a personal tutor system and I'm not sure how it's working.  As usual some members of staff refuse to do it, so our head of education is telling the head of school but I'm not convinced the head will do anything which means that a number of students will not have a personal tutor.  And potentially means I'll be taking up the shortfall. 


Truffle (FutureHEMSDoc) said...

Good luck with your goals :)

Unknown said...

Goal Setting
You can't get the results without a specific goal!

Proper Technique
Ensures optimal benefits and avoids injury

Program Design
Your Personal Trainer monitors your program to maximize RESULTS

Personal Training means consistency = RESULTS

Your Personal Trainer will keep you accountable to achieve RESULTS

The difference between struggling and accelerated RESULTS

Nutritional Guidance
Eat a balanced diet to complement your Personal Training

personal trainer singapore

A New Kind of GP said...

I think the personal trainer is an excellent idea.
Rationalise it by telling yourself that it's a different way of using your time - time you might have spent on retail therapy!
Make it a habit.
When you lose weight and tone up, you will look good in just a white t-shirt and jeans. Save the spending on expensive stuff.
But most importantly, you will last longer. Your joints will last longer. You'll feel better. So you'll achieve more. You'll be happier - the endorphins will do that.
It's an investment.
Just keep at it and believe in why you are doing it.

Personal Trainer Directory said...

When you lose weight and accent up, you will attending acceptable in aloof a white bodice and jeans. Save the spending on big-ticket stuff.