Wednesday 11 February 2009

Not right

I'm not right. I'm in tears over the nature programme "Nature's Great Events" at the polar bears whose lives are at risk as a result of global warming. This sort of thing doesn't normally upset me this much but I burst into tears and sobbed tonight. I'm about to have a bite to eat and then go to bed but I'd love to go to bed and just stay there. The sleeping tablets are helping me sleep but tend to knock me out for the morning as well. I can lie in bed quite happily and doze to my heart's content. My GP is happy for me to take them while we try and get my sleep back on track but part of me wants to go to sleep and stay asleep.


madsadgirl said...

I know those feelings so well. I am constantly amazed at some of the things that make me cry when I am very low. I find that I have to carefully choose what I watch on television otherwise I can go through a box of tissues in a couple of evenings and my eyes become so sore that it is impossible to touch them. I also know about those feelings of wanting to go to sleep and not wake up. However, once the bad times pass I am glad that I am still here even though I am alone. These feelings do pass, and you still have so much to offer and a long life to lead.

(would you believe that the word verification was 'psychni')

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Just catching up with your blog. I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so down lately. You sound like such a great woman, and I wish we lived a bit closer as I expect you're a great friend too. Hope you start to feel a little happier soon, love and hugs BG x