Sunday 6 September 2009

New home

As promised, pictures of my new place! I had no idea posting pictures to a blog could be so difficult, this is my 6th attempt!

My bedroom: favourite room in the house: nice and airy and relaxing: all by the book of how to cure insomnia: no tv or music as your bedroom is for sleeping! Such a shame it's not working right now.

Dining room: I love my table and chairs and you can just about make out part of a huge clock that was a present from brother and sis-in-law.

The living room. Suite and coffee table kindly donated from my big bro and sister-in-law!

This is the kitchen. I'm very proud of my racks and utensils!

Note the slight pink theme in the kitchen!

This is the second bedroom: initially the colours were in my bedroom but then I saw ones I liked more. Rather than put the new ones in the second bedroom I swapped the two around.

And that's it! Home sweet home.

1 comment:

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Just catching up with your blog. Wow, your place is great, really stylish! I think we've got the same rug in our bedrooms, mine's next to the bed too although Bendycat firmly believes it's there for her sole use as scratching rug! BG Xx