Thursday 26 November 2009


I'm having a real wobble right now.  I was trying to prepare a tutorial last night for this morning and just thought that I couldn't do it any longer.  I was going to phone and get an appointment with my GP just to speak to someone but I didn't do it.  It was just to speak to someone who knows what's been happening but what was she going to do for me?
I finished CBT 10 days ago.  Apparently there was meant to be a review appointment after a month or so but my therapist was leaving and so it won't happen.  She mentioned me perhaps seeing someone privately even if just to check in once a fortnight or once a month with someone to maintain contact but I'm not sure.  I said I'd see how things went over Christmas.  Part of it is just sheer exhaustion, but there's something more that I'm more that I can't identify and sometimes I just think that this is life, this is what I'll be like and that it's me. 

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