Friday 7 November 2008


Things have been hectic this week: the tutorial topic for next week is confusing to say the least and the guy who gave the lectures hasn't appeared to have conveyed the knowledge that well to the students. So I spent most of the week attempting to get to grips with it so that I can do the job of the lecturer on Monday and explain the material from scratch to the students rather than guide discussion on it.
I've also had more meeting about various things, mostly induction things still! As well as a meeting to open a savings account. I had no idea it would be so difficult. I want to save nearly a third of my salary each month, quite simple I thought, but no I had an hour long meeting on Tuesday with a financial advisor and still don't have the account open. A meeting next Tuesday with someone different but this time I'm telling her at the outset that if she can't open me an account then and there then to forget about it and I'm going somewhere different.
I've also been keeping active on the exercise front and went to Pilates on Monday for the first time ever. I enjoyed it, but he had us doing sit up type things to use or stomach muscles. I had none! Or so I thought until the gradual ache developed in that area on Tuesday and Wednesday! Clearly muscles reacting to having been used for the first time in 31 years! Went for a swim after pilates and also on Tuesday. On Monday evening I headed to my second salsa class, great fun! Am so crap it would be embarrassing except for the fact I'm doing it for fun and nothing else. After the class though, things went downhill. There's a travelling amusement park in town right now and we went to go on one ride after salsa. paid my money, walked up the gangway to discover that I would somehow have to hoist myself into a seat sitting at waist height with sticky out thing that sits between your legs. Couldn't manage it because of the hip. My friend ended up going alone and I had to get my money back. It was just another reminder that the hip is never going to be like my friends' hips. Of course the first thing I thought of doing was going home and cutting myself but so far I haven't done that. It still upsets me though when I think about it. And then I look at where I cut myself the last time and that upsets me too. And then you read about what other people have to cope with in their lives and that makes me feel so much worse as well as they are so much worse off than me and yet aren't sinking like I am at times.

1 comment:

madsadgirl said...

We all have bad times, and sometimes they can lead us to very dark places. What you have to remember is that you have a lot to feel good about too, and you must spend some time focussing on those rather than the things that are bad or wrong.

I have learnt that I have to just live one day at a time and accept that there are things that I want that I can never have. It hasn't been easy, but I am starting to learn to cope a little better and to focus on the good not the bad.