Thursday 13 November 2008

As expected

As expected, the tutorials were bloody awful. One of the students apologised to me before saying that she couldn't understand a word the lecturer said and another said the only notes he had were the extra ones on the topic that the subject leader had put online. I spent the tutorials going through the topic rather than actually discussing the topic. It's my turn to lecture in just over a week and I'm going to be asking the subject leader to tell me if there are complaints about the lectures (there were loads about the last lecturer). I want to know so that I can actually build on them and improve upon them. Needless to say comments like she's crap without actually telling me why I'm crap is not enough. And I know it will be discouraging but hopefully I will get past that.

Tomorrow I will be going to a dinner dance with my parents: I'm hoping that my dress still fits from last year as I've put on a bit of weight since then, unfortunately given my hip replacement. I've been trying to lose it but to no avail and all in all I'm really discouraged by it as I want to and need to lose the weight to help the replacement last as long as possible. For the dance I've been St Tropezed fake baked: the turkey in the oven belief in that it always looks more appetising when golden brown! I've just noticed though that the tan appears to have brought up all the places I've cut myself including those cuts that are months old and gone to the naked eye.

I went to boxercise last night: good fun so hopefully I'll go once a week to it now as well as swimming and salsa and pilates: I should be a size 8! Some of it I did sit out off because of the hip: there's always some reminder that I'm not quite the same as anyone else in these classes.

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