Thursday 8 April 2010

Another disappointment

I applied for a workshop at a major US university and just got turned down.  It does make me think if anything will actually work out for me as regards my research and my career.  I don't wish to be world renowned or make truckloads of money: I care too much about the students and teaching to be that, but I would like to get a break every now and again. 

Even my book isn't going well.  It was supposed to be published on the 15 March but nothing.  I was meant to get the final proofs three weeks ago but nothing.  I've emailed a number of times and either don't get a reply or get told it will be with me at the end of the week.  I was assured last week that the final proofs would be with me tomorrow at the latest, but I'm not holding out for that.  I'm just so sick of the whole process right now and will never recommend this publisher to anyone in the future. 

I've cut myself a couple of times as well and been feeling foul over the easter break: ill as well as depressed.  I'm still not 100% right but at least I've eaten some chocolate.


BenefitScroungingScum said...

Sorry I've not been by for a while, how are things going now? I'm hoping everyone will feel a little better as the days get longer and brighter.
Thinking of you, BG Xx

Doctor Jest said...

Sorry not to have been round for ages. Bugger! Still Bendy Girl's right, more sunshine (presently vanished afgain here) and chocolate, that's the key-- er those are the keys.... ? After all you're never alone with a Lindt Bunny!

BenefitScroungingScum said...

How you doing? BG Xx