Monday 5 January 2009

Happy New Year

My first post of 2009! Nothing really to report on any front. Christmas passed fairly well other than a bad cold which I have since kindly passed on to the parents. I ate, drank and slept! A bit like most people in that way though.

I was at a friend's house warming on Saturday night: one of those evenings that I didn't want to go to, which then turned out surprisingly well. The first hour was hell as various members of the law school came in (my friend is a PhD student there so staff present was very surprising!). Then things got better. One of my law colleagues asked me where all the new people went after the Christmas lunch. I said back to the law school. She told me they were all in Bar X and were wondering why we didn't join them. I said we didn't know about it. She apologised and said that she had told Sally, one of the other new people. Now Sally is super confident and makes me feel really inadequate and wonder how I got the job, which is silly of me as she was way down the list of candidates and only got the job because other candidates never took up the job offer. But Sally never told any of the rest of us. I think it was deliberate. Sally seems to have been the one of all the new people who has settled in the most and is invited to the most nights out and things and now it could be that we're all invited but Sally isn't passing on messages? I really can't be bothered with such crap.

Today was meant to be my first day back in the office but when I got back on Sat night my flatmate told me she thought the freezer needed to be made colder. At the time I did nothing about it, but yesterday I made a huge chicken curry and froze three portions for again. Got up this morning, curry still not frozen solid. Looked out the freezer book and discovered that if a red light is on then it's not cold enough. Yes, you've got it, the red light was on. Defrosted the freezer in case that was the problem, threw out a load of food that was thawing nicely. wrapped some in a blanket to try and keep it. Chunks of ice that could have sunk a liner were removed, freezer switched on again, waited a few hours and the light was still on. So phoned the estate agent and a new freezer is being delivered tomorrow (such a shock: no engineer is calling to try and fix it!). In the meantime, my sister and brother in law have been provided with their dinners for the week!

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