Thursday 24 July 2008

Bad news

I've been reading the medical blogs today and see that GPs have been in the news again. And again it's not complimentary. Actually it's been a long time since I've read anything in the papers that is complimentary doctors in general. But that's the news in general.
I mentioned in my first post that I've just had a hip replacement. I cannot speak highly enough of my surgeon who has given me back some semblance of a normal life. Already I can walk and shop for longer than I could before without that awful grinding pain, I can wear flat ballet pumps and dresses without my pelvis tilting so much that my bum sticks out even more than it does normally. I will never be perfect but my new hip is better than the original was. Perhaps I'll blog more about my hip, limitations as a result of it and how life has improved tenfold since I got my metal and ceramic one. My point here is that my surgeon has changed my life and the hip is only part of it. The other part was his time and his explanations. I read somewhere recently that orthopaedic surgeons have the worst bed manner: bollocks. My surgeon is getting a thank you card next week.
As for GPs, again, my GP has been instrumental in helping me over the last few years to cope with chronic pain, self-harming and depression. Words aren't enough in this situation but I hope that mentioning her in my PhD thesis acknowledgements (and showing her it) is indicative of how grateful I am.

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