Saturday 12 December 2009

A possible mistake

I was out for dinner tonight with some old mates from university and at it I told them I had a private blog.  They couldn't ulnderstand why I would have a blog and have strangers read it and not have friends read it.  How can I explain it to them?  I told them that I wrote things on it that wouldn't tell my friends.  Someone asked did people reply to posts and I explained that they did, but I didn't have as many readers as some blogs. One guy (a psychiatrist) said that it was like therapy then.  I explained that yes it was as blogs tended to attract people with similar problems or similar interests, especially at the start.  I'm just hoping that no one finds my blog now.  I don't think I'm identifiable but who knows. 

The meal was nice and it was good seeing everyone.  I'm never sure how things like that will go: the group of friends go out every week and I don't.  I also can't drink really any more (I'm considering the amount of alcohol I've drunk in the last week and a half to be the "very occasional glass of wine" for the next year).  I came home at 8 with a couple who were heading onto a concert.  Still, all in all I'm glad I made the effort and dragged myself out of this chair and went.  It is all about making an effort and distracting yourself from the rather horrible thoughts you can have.

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